Enter Condition String Parameters

To access this screen:

  • Edit ribbon >> Condition >> Condition.
  • Solids ribbon >> Condition >> Condition String.

  • Using the command line, enter "condition-string"

  • Use the quick key combination "cond".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate condition-string and click Run.

This screen is the user interface displayed when running the condition-string command.

Choose how many string segments comprise a selected string.

The selected string is formatted so that the specified number of segments (chords) are applied, and can be used to smooth a string, for example.

To condition a string:

  1. Run the command.

  2. Select a string.

    The Enter Condition String Parameters screen displays.

    Tip: preselect string data to automatically display the parameters screen. You can preselect one or more strings.

  3. Enter the Maximum Chord Length. This is the maximum permitted length of any string segment (in metric or imperial units, depending on your Project Options). This length will not be exceeded when conditioning a string, even for a straight line segment on the original data that exceeds this value.

  4. Enter the Minimum Chord Length. This is the minimum permitted string chord length. String segments will not be created below this value, regardless of the severity of curvature on the original data.

  5. Enter the Minimum Angle. This is the minimum convergent angle between subsequent string chords here. Lower values will produce strings with shallower internal string segment angles.

  6. Click OK.

    The selected string data is conditioned based on the supplied parameters.

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